When you have a day job and a business that you are trying to start up there is little time to work on personal projects. Usually I 'm working on things for my clients, working on my web site, doing research, or working on photographs for my family (because that's what families do). But lately I have been kicking myself for not taking time to work on my personal photography. The last time I worked on a project for myself was in college. Seven years ago! Way too long!
A few years ago I did a photo shoot with my friend Stevie. Stevie is an amazingly beautiful dancer whom I met while working at a Physical Therapy office specializing in dance medicine. She was moving out of New York City to teach dance at a University and wanted some photos of her dancing at different locations in the city. We had a great time and shot for almost the whole day in January! By the time I got back inside I was a little frozen, but knew that I had more than a few gems on my camera card. From that shoot we got this image:
I absolutely love this image. I love Stevie's face, her grace, her strength, and the city behind her. I especially love the bridge in the background. This image represents strength to me. The strength in the bridge in the background and the strength in Stevie.
I have decided to work off of this image for my next project. Since working on this shoot I have stayed in the Dance Physical Therapy industry and have met some truly wonderful dancers who are more than willing to perform in front of my camera.
Stay tuned for updates on my series on Dancers and Bridges of NYC. I am very excited to be shooting a project for myself. I hope this is the first of many to come.
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